The G-6 galley was removed from and another aircraft for the test pictured left. Water mist test were done on the floor in front of this galley in the back of the test aircraft. The work surface between the large upper door and the lower section was removed. This allowed for placement of the Pyrogen Generator in the top section, on the left
One 400 mm Class B fuel cup and wire bundle were located at the bottom of the galley. Three additional 25 mm cups were placed at different hights inside the galley. This series was performed to verify the test protocol. This series was designed to be the most severe electrical fire and fuel load. "Electrical ignition of a petroleum soaked wire bundle". After ignition the fire burns the insulation on the bundle creating a high BTU load, Class A / B and C fire at the same time. Preburn was based on the maximum FAA smoke detector protocol.
The gas discharge path of the Aerosol Generator was placed away from all the cup locations to avoid mechanical extinguishment of the fire (blowing it out)
This test series proved to be more realistic than a simple polyimide wire arcing which was also tested in this galley enclosure. The higher energy release of the wire bundle pan combination was not a problem for the Pyrogen System.
Homefire protection systems , Halon replacement , fire Suppression , fire suppression systems , fire extinguishers , fire science, flame management, US EPA, SNAP, ISO, ICAO, FAA US DOT, NFPA, SAE, FM, NIST, ATA, UL, SSL, AS/NZS, ODP , GWP , Pyrogen , PYROGEN , Airline Cargo conversions , Class A fire , Class B fire , Class C fire , EMAA, Encapsulated Micron Aerosol Agent, FAR 25. Aircraft Cargo Fires, Telecommunications fires , Transportation fires , Petrol chemical fires , Fire detection, Automobile Fire , Truck fires , Train fires , Building fires , Structural fires , petroleum fires , engine fires , marine fires , cargo fires , wood fires , Halon flooding , UL 1058, aircraft fire protection , aircraft crash , airline cargo fire , airline fire protection , FAA Technical center , Oil rig fires , gas rig fires , vehicle fires , electrical fire suppression , computer room fires , ship fires , machinery fires , merchant vessel fires , train fires , generator fires , battery fires , Wheel fires , brake fires , tire fires , car fires , home fires , Loss productivity , boeing fire test , 737 fire test , NRL , Naval Research Laboratory , Naval air systems command , NASC , NAVAIR , AS/NZS 4487:1997 , Joint strike fighter , JSF, HARC , NTSB , Transport canada , NIST , FAA Technical Center , Thermal Acoustic Insulation Blankets , IMO , International Maritime commission , USCG , United states coast guard , MCA , Pyrogen Ltd. Pyrogen Corp. Sdn. Bhd. , IAFC , IFPA ,